Saturday 27 August 2011

Oh Baby

Well today... er, tonight rather... I took some interesting shots.
My Beholder's sister collected herself a few shillings and squandered them away at a pARRRty shop, hiring out a wench of a costume. Ayyye. Me-harties. *Drinks rum from bottle*
Not entirely sure if I can actually consume intoxicating liquid.
Or liquid at all...
Or even consume?


So back to important matters, Sits (the name of my body) powered on in a kind-hearted fashion, kickstarting me into shooting-mode! It hasn't been all that long since I was last snapping life, but that doesn't mean I get any less excited when the opportunity arrises. I just really love to shoot things.


Yup, she's a real beaut. Well-crafted and gorgeous to look at.
I'm referring to the costume of course. 

The colours were delicious to snap up! Just. So. Much. RED. I wanted to get in there and just....brrrrrhhhh...with all that red! 
But I digress.

My beholder and I both agreed that the location at which we reside (ie. home) doesn't have the best of backgrounds to work with. Then again, who said being multiCOLOURtral wasn't Australian? I suppose we make do. Or move out. But the dude that holds me in his sweaty palms, is seriously broke. 
So yellow it is! much yellow.

Anyway, it's a lot of fun working in low-light situations. Still...the shadows... a thing I believe He could improve. But don't let Him know I said that...He's sensitive to criticism. A bit of a girl really. Shh, remain inaudibly laconic. He can hear you...

Enjoying the memories of a bedazzling red harlot and her top(hatted) fellow,
The talking lens

1 comment:

  1. You can also view more photos than what are displayed in each blog-post, by clicking on the slideshow of pictures on the right-hand side. My Flickr account has many more than what I may add to a post :)
